PricePoint Device Desktop

What PricePoint Device Desktop does

PDD is designed to work with your PricePoint program, extending its functions to the tablet for service work. Invoices are built with a menu based pricing system that comes directly from the QuoteMagic! Flat Rate book built into your PricePoint software. Invoices and payments created on the tablet are sent to the mail station and imported into your PricePoint software. Importing data is a snap! Now your business can expand without adding office overhead.

Extending your Business Philosophy

PricePoint is really good at breaking down the profit picture when you price materials, labor and extra charges. It's easy to design Quotamatic tasks that have the profit built in to cover your overhead: that is your successful business philosophy. Once you create a system of Quotamatic tasks that contain the correct profit (or purchase the ready made PricePoint Advantage system from Cloversoft) rest assured that your customer will be charged a fair price based on a proven profit formula. The profit built into each task allows your business to prosper as it grows!

Getting Started

Set up Email Account for Mail Station

Before we start PDD for the first time we must set up an email account to receive data from our tablets. The mail station was designed for Gmail: it's free and anyone with internet has access to it.

  1. Start a Gmail account at and click the Gmail link.
  2. Write down your account email address and password so you can enter them correctly in the PDD mailbox settings.
  3. Enable POP settings (instructions from Gmail website follow)
Here's how to enable POP in Gmail:
Sign in to Gmail.
Click the gear in the top right .
Select Settings.
Click Forwarding and POP/IMAP.
Select Enable POP for all mail or Enable POP for mail that arrives from now on.
Choose what to do with your messages after your POP client or device receives them.
Click Save Changes.
Although the radio button next to your selected option may not stay selected, Gmail displays the status next to 'POP Status:.' When you enable POP, your settings display 'POP Status: POP is enabled.'
If your POP settings are turned off, the status will indicate that POP is disabled.

Note: This new account should be used exclusively for the mail station, don't use it for any other purpose. Don't send any email using the account and don't register the address with any other site or program.

Email Settings on the tablet

You'll need access to Internet Mail on your tablet to send invoices to customers and business data to the mail station.

  1. Click EMAIL SETTINGS on the tablet. Fill out the settings information. Write down the email address in the From field.
  2. The mailbox email address should be the same email address recorded in Mechanic information. That way your dispatcher can send appointments to that mechanic.
  3. Check Mechanic Info. Open PricePoint Scheduling, click Mechanics, Mechanic Info. Look for the email address: is it the same as the mailbox email? If not, change the email in Mechanic Info now and click Save Changes.

Important: This must not be the same email address set up for the Mail Station!

Start PDD for the first time

From PricePoint's Main Menu find Utilities, Start Device Desktop. There will be a slight pause as PricePoint exits and PDD starts up.

  1. PDD will open the Mailbox Settings dialog first when the Account Email Address is not properly set up, so this is what you'll see first. If you don't see this dialog, simply click Mail Station Setup.
  2. Enter your full Gmail Email address in Account Email Address and your password in the Password box.
  3. Click OK.

Note: There's no need to change the Incoming Mail Server, Port or Use TLS box! They're set up for Gmail and ready to go!

Numerical Ranges and their importance

PDD can be run on up to 9 tablets. To prevent your devices and desktop computer from assigning duplicate numbers to Invoices and Customers, a range of numbers for these documents needs to be assigned to your desktop computer and devices. These ranges have been pre-set for you by PDD, but you may change them if you wish. You should give these numerical ranges some careful thought before proceeding any further, because changing them later will create complications.

Hint: It's easy to find out what your next invoice number will be in PricePoint. From the Main Menu, click New Invoice then pick any customer to see the next available invoice number. To find out your next customer number, click Customer Info and click New.
Example: Under most circumstances your desktop invoice number will start with a zero (ie: 001192) in which case the PDD default for Device 1 would start with 100001. This means that your PricePoint software will be able to create 98808 invoices before it runs into the Device 1 invoice range. At 10 invoices per day that should last 27 years!

Adding Devices and getting set up

Keeping in mind our discussion above regarding numerical ranges, we can activate the desktop computer that will import data from your mobile devices to your PricePoint software.

  1. Click Add Devices.

The Add Devices and Set Ranges page opens. You will need an authorization code from Cloversoft in order to activate PDD. Since authorization codes are randomly generated numbers, it is NOT possible to give you the code ahead of time, so you will need to call us while you're executing these steps. Call Cloversoft at 415-492-9211 to receive authorization codes for your desktop and for each device that you wish to use.

  1. Click Desktop.
  2. Enter your authorization code and press ENTER or click OK.


The pre-set ranges for desktop computer will be displayed. You can change these later (see note below).

  1. Click the Device 1 button.
  2. Enter your authorization code and press ENTER or click OK.

The pre-set ranges for Device 1 will be displayed. You can change these later (see note below).

  1. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 directly above for each Device

Be SURE to click Save Changes if you change the numerical ranges.
Note: The numbering ranges shown in PDD MUST AGREE with those loaded into your tablets! If you change the numerical range, your must RELOAD the tablet with these settings otherwise Mail Station will reject the data packets coming from the devices. If you find you must change numbering ranges, be sure to click Send to Office on the tablets and import all data left in the device BEFORE changing ranges and reloading the device.

Terminating QuoteMagic!

Before loading your tablet with your settings, there's a basic Android procedure that you should know. If QuoteMagic! is running on your tablet, you need to terminate the app.

  1. Tap App Overview button (three vertical lines)
  2. Look for the QuoteMagic! icon with its screen reduced in size.
  3. Swipe the reduced QuoteMagic! screen upwards so that it is no longer shown.

Loading Devices

This procedure sets up your tablet so that it knows its numerical range, what address to send data packets to and other basic settings. The settings are transferred to your devices through the tablet charging/data cable via iTunes.

Make certain that all of the information stored on the device has been transmitted to Mail Station and has been imported before reloading.
Loading devices updates the customer list, customer notes, Quotamatic menu pricing, before and after approval clauses and job locations with the most current copy of that data from your PricePoint software.

Updates to QuoteMagic! will become available through the Play Store from time to time. TECHNICIANS SHOULD NOT INSTALL UPDATES AWAY FROM THE OFFICE. ALL DATA ON THE DEVICE WILL BE ERASED when the update is installed on the device. Be absolutely sure that all data has been sent to the office before installing the update or you will lose valuable information! The tablet must be reloaded after installing the update

Approval Clauses

The approval before start of work clause and the satisfactory completion clauses will be loaded into your tablets and displayed in the customer authorization dialog when the customer signs his or her name. Edit the clauses to suit your business. The default clauses are illustrated below:

Be sure to click Save if you make changes to these clauses. The clauses will be loaded into your tablets via iTunes the next time you click Load Devices and click the Device (1, 2, 3 etc.) button.

Loading the tablet

  1. Install QuoteMagic! from the Play Store.
  2. Terminate QuoteMagic! if it is running (see above).
  3. Connect your tablet to your Windows desktop computer and sign in.
  4. Wait until windows explorer starts up and shows your tablet's Internal Storage.
  5. Open Internal Storage and find and open the Documents folder.
  6. Start up PDD, click Load Devices and locate the Devices tab that has buttons visible. The Mechanic Name listbox shows the current Mechanics list from your PricePoint software. The selection should show the name of the mechanic that carries the tablet, change it now if it does not.
  7. Click Device (1, 2, 3, etc) and follow the directions to drag PricepointSQL.db3 into the Documents folder of the tablet.
  8. Repeat this process for each device in the list or as required.
Hint: If QuoteMagic! starts up with NO SETUP at the top, tap and tap Yes. Or you can terminate QuoteMagic! (see above) and restart it.

Receiving and Importing Data from tablets

Invoices, payments and customer information flow into your PricePoint system via Mail Station. Data is emailed to Mail Station when you tap Send to Office on the tablet. Then you will open Mail Station, connect and download the data and then import the date into your PricePoint desktop software.

Receiving the Data

  1. Start PricePoint Device Desktop.
  2. Click Connect and Download data from Devices. Mail Station will look for messages sent from your tablets and download the attached data packets. The Import button is now enabled showing the data packets have been downloaded and are ready to be imported.
  3. Click Import Data into PricePoint

Importing the Data into PricePoint

  1. Click Import Data into PricePoint and the data will flow into your PricePoint software. At the end of the process you will be presented with a dialog to print out the Deposit Reports, if any payments were present in the data packet.

Customer Note Decisions

As the information is processed, you may be called upon to make certain decisions regarding changes to a customer note. PDD only requests your assistance when a customer note has been edited, or deleted. Edited notes have text inserted into the middle of the customer note. PDD won't ask you for a decision if changes to the note are added to the top of the note and the existing note is not changed.

Decision result

OK-Replaces the entire customer note with the note as edited on the tablet.
Cancel - Discards any customer note changes made on the tablet.


Hint: On tablet tap Insert Date Stamp when editing the customer note. QuoteMagic! app will insert the date and the name of the mechanic that carries the tablet to make typing at the top of note easier.

Deposit Reports

You'll see the Print Deposit Reports dialog if payments are present in the data packet.

  1. Click Print All Selected

Reprinting Deposit Reports

PDD can reprint deposit reports by clicking Reprint Deposit Reports. You're presented with a dialog showing the last dozen Deposit Reports in your PricePoint software. Check the boxes of the deposit numbers you would like to reprint.

Using PricePoint Device Desktop

Here are some hints and tips that will come in handy while you are using PDD and QuoteMagic! app everyday.

Process existing data packets before connecting again

When a data packet is present and ready to be processed, the Connect button is disabled to ensure that data is imported before connecting and downloading a new data packet.

Getting Appointments to Service Techs

The simplest way to get appointment information to your field techs is to use the telephone. If you have an office manager available to answer the phone then that person can make appointments and call or text the tech's cell phone with appointment information. If you have an answering service, ask them to text the contact information to the head field tech so that he can contact the customer directly.

Sending Appointment information from PricePoint Scheduling

PricePoint is capable of emailing schedule summaries directly to mechanics (techs) via PricePoint's Scheduling. The mechanic carrying the tablet simply checks his email messages, looks for any with the subject Your Schedule Message and copies the body of the message and pastes it into the Appointments tab in QuoteMagic!. The app will interpret the summaries and add the appointment(s) to the Appointments tab. The tech now can select the appointment and tap Start in Workspace to begin invoicing the customer. Start in Workspace will add the customer to the workspace, select the Job Location and add any tasks contained in the summaries. The work order number is referenced so that when the invoice is imported, the work order is completed and the schedule for the work order is purged!

To send summaries to a tech in PricePoint: start Scheduling and click Print.

Select the mechanic name and click the email button

In the Email Schedule to Mechanics dialog you'll see the name of the mechanic(s) in the list with the email address linked to that mechanic (see Set Up Email on Your tablet above). The text of the Schedule message is all prepared and waiting to be sent to your mechanic(s). Click Send Messages.